About Us


Welcome to Simpli Kitchen, where we believe that cooking should be as easy as pie (or as easy as ordering takeout, if we're being honest). We're all about bringing you the latest and greatest in kitchen gadgets and gizmos that are designed to simplify your culinary adventures. 

At Simpli Kitchen, we're all about making your life in the kitchen a breeze. We offer a range of innovative kitchen appliances and tools that are not only simple to use, but also sleek in design and made with high-quality materials. Our products are like the superheroes of the kitchen, swooping in to save the day and make meal preparation a piece of cake (or a slice of pie, if you prefer).

Whether you're in need of a countertop ice maker to keep your drinks chilled or a portable grater to add some zest to your dishes, we've got you covered. Our Simpli Countertop Ice Maker will have you sipping on refreshing beverages in no time, while our Simpli Kitchen Portable Grater will make you feel like a master chef as you effortlessly grate cheese or zest citrus fruits.

So, why choose Simpli Kitchen? Well, besides our awesome products, we're also a brand that doesn't take ourselves too seriously. We believe that cooking should be fun, and our quirky and playful tone reflects that. Plus, we're always here to lend a helping hand (or a spatula) if you have any questions or need some culinary inspiration.

So, welcome to Simpli Kitchen, where we're all about simplifying your kitchen adventures and adding a dash of fun along the way. Get ready to cook up a storm with our new gen kitchen products that are simple to use and guaranteed to make you say, "Why didn't I think of that?"